From everyone at WinWorld, wishing everyone a Happy New Year. We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year and look forward to the many more to come. Thanks for flying WinWorld all these years, cheers to 2024!
20 years. It's been over 20 years since I created the first iteration of WinWorld, poorly made with Print Shop and hosted on Bravenet complete with a guestbook and hit counter. How far we have come. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible. Here's to another 20.
Hey everyone, server and site are back online as of 11am ET. Outage was caused by a network driver glitch following a server update, due to me not automating the fix last time. Thanks to everyone who reported it.
Thank you to everyone who reported the server outage. I recently upgraded the server to PVE7, and that revealed a couple issues relating to Intel network drivers. The issue is now resolved (tx/rx offload disabled) however please report any further outages or issues. Cheers.
A slightly late happy birthday to WinWorld, hard to believe it's been 18 years. It's been a wild ride so far, let's see what the future holds. Thank you to all our members and staff who continue to make WinWorld the great resource and community that it is.
Hey everyone, we've deployed a new mirror! Library Mirror #1 is now our primary mirror, and will always have the latest downloads. I've set generous speed limits, enjoy! To Chrome users, HTTPS downloads are in the works. For now, you can bypass the error as shown below.
Morning everyone, we're completing some scheduled server maintenance from last night. Expect the site to be back online in the next couple hours.
Update: We're aware Chrome is now blocking downloads from HTTP servers, and are working on implementing HTTPS on one of the mirrors to remedy this. Look forward to the anti-hotlink and mirror system being thoroughly revamped in the near future.